Friday 31 August 2012

about me and my familee...

Ok, maybe I should start with my name. I am Faten Nadzirah Mohd Nazari. Lived at Kepong, Kuala Lumpur. I have 6 family members. First, of course my dad, Mohd Nazari Amiruddin and my mother Nurhayati Kassim..I have three brothers as I am the first one. All my siblings are boys. I am the only daughter in my family. This give me credits as I don’t have to share all my things with my other siblings (hihi, just kidding). So, here my family. Ah, love them so much!

my beloved umi and abah ^^

My brothers:

Mohamad Nadzmy

This is my first brother. we also called him Angah. He has a very deep interest in computer ‘things’ and really hope to be a computer expertise. I do hope he can achieve his dream one day!

Next, my second brother:

Muhammad Nazhan

Nazhan is also called as An. He is a very sweet and kind boy. He is now 12 years old and will sit for UPSR paper this year. Hope that he can score all the paper and get straight A’s..hehe..

And the last member of my family...

Muhammad Hakim Shah

Hakim is my last brother. Many people say that his is really like my face but in boy’s version.haha... now, he is 10 years old. He is very caring and can understand if someone have any problems. So, this is my family and I really love them. I hope we can always be a happy and loving family. That’s all my introduction about my family.

Oh, I forgot to write about myself too. That’s ok. I will continue to write but now all about myself!

Ok, this is me Faten Nadzirah ^_^

Hmm..what am I going to write about,ha? Start with my birth date. I was born on 2nd October 1994. So, automatically I am 18 years old. Still lived with my parents at Kepong, KL. Now, I study at Kolej Teknologi Timur, Sepang. I’ve take Diploma Science course. That’s not because I really like science actually but that’s the only course that I can take if I want to continue my study in Psychology for degree later. At first, when I have finished my SPM, I thought that I will never learn all the science’s subject such as Biology, Chemist and Physics because to me all that subject is really tough for me. So, for now I do hope that I can pass all my exam and get an excellent result to make my parents’ proud of me...

Finished about my study things. Now, I’m going to write about all my interests...hehe.. As all my family and friends know, I really love everything about Korea. The country itself, the food, the culture, the fashion they have started, the drama and of course the KPOP.hehe... I know that many people have asked me why I really like this country. First, you should know that when people like or love something, they really don’t need to tell people the reasons of why they like that thing. Everybody have their own interest, right? So do I. People will say to me that I love Korea is because of the actors in the drama that I watch or the KPOP idol. Actually, that’s true.hehe..who don’t like a guy that have a cute but at the same time also handsome face. But, that’s not only the reasons. I will tell you why I love this country but not in this post. There will be another post that I will tell and prove about my interests. So, I want to continue about myself again.

Besides love everything about Korea, I also love to read and collect novels. Not only English novels but also Malays. I really love to read. I also got a few of self-enrichment books to motivate myself. Also collected Harry Potter’s series, Twilight and House of Night series. Everytime I buy a new novel, I will wrapped the novel with plastic wrapper because I don’t want the novel damaged and to make it always looks new. For my Malay’s novel, only have a few of it because I have more interested to read English novels because the story have more qualities and at the same time I can improve my English. If, I want to buy a novel, first I will read the title than look at the cover before I read the synopsis. It is because I like the novel which have a beautiful and creative cover.hehehe.but still, you must not judge a book by it’s cover as sometimes books that I choose have a very beautiful cover but the story inside is not so interesting that make me feel boring to continue my reading. I really love books that have a dark story such as about vampire, magic and death. I don’t actually know why I like that kind of story but if I saw an interesting title like Hunting Violet, I will immediately reached the book than read the synopsis and buy it.

Ok, enough about my interests towards books. Ok, what else about me I can write?hmm.. I like purple colour and green. Love shoes and high heels but I never buy one because high heels have a very bad impact to your bone. You will make your feet ache and will damaged the bone. That effects make me afraid to wear it. I also like bags but not handbags. I’ve more interested to sling bag as it is easier for to wear it. about food, I eat everything as long as it is safe and tasty. For now, I really wish that I can eat Korean’s food such as Bibimbap. A type of food that mixed rice with other dishes. Sounds yummy, ha? Ok, maybe that all I can write. I will update if there is any new interests.hehe..

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