Sunday 9 September 2012

a meaningful raya with 5AB's classmates

1st september 2012..
me with my friends, hafizah, aizureen, fazreen, murnie, shafiqah, amalina, hazirah, luqman, khairul, and fariz went to our teachers' house to visit them for raya. we went to raya by my friends' car, murnie and aizureen. some of us riding motorcycle. then, we go to our teachers that teach us since we're form 1 until form 5. seriously, i'm really missed them. i missed my high school class and every crazy things we do there. at every house we go we eat and eat and eat. we really full as my weight also sad i am when i think about my weight.haha but i cannot resist when my teachers asked me to eat as they have cooked special for when we say that we are coming. that's really made me touched when i saw how our teachers treat us eventhough we are no longer their pupils..and we also got 'duit raya' from some of the teachers.our last stop was at our mathematics teacher at form 3.we take many pictures that day as this is our precious memory. i will never forget what happened in that day and how happy i felt with my friends and i am sure that they felt the same way too. but we still have to split even everyone feel reluctant to go home as we never know when we can meet again...

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