Sunday 9 September 2012

raya at hostel

last ramadhan...when there's about two or three weeks to go for Hari Raya, my roomates, classmates and i did something illegal I think.hehe. we played 'mercun' in front of our house. there are also our neighbour's children at that time. when we are playing happily, one of the children suddenly throw a 'mercun gasing' to us. i was angry and have scolded them even at that time their family are also outside. i am never tolerate with people who does not know how to respect people especially when that person is older than you. you must know that if we know how to respect people,then other people will respect you. after i have scolded them, we cotinue playing fireworks and 'mercun'. suddenly, there are another 'mercun' was throw towards us and almost hit one of my classmate's body and that's make me really angry and and i scolded them and i have told my friends that if that naughty kid do that things again, i will throw a plastic bag that full with fireworks to their house and then they will be scolded by their parents but my friends have stopped me. when i think about that situation, it really make me laugh as i never thought that i will fight with a high school kid.hahah..that's funny you know..

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