Sunday 9 September 2012

my experiences today with classmates ^^

last saturday night, all UiTM students semester 1 have to attended a program called LPPKP.but an unfortunate things happened this morning. our house area does not have water and we cannot take a bath. hehe.. so, all of us go to the campus without taking shower! so, we continue with our program until 7 pm. as my classmates and i have planned to go to our chemistry lecturer, Ms. Shafazila's house today we have decided to call the car's owner that we wanted to rent his car but unfortunately, we only got one car but the total people that wanted to follow was seven.then, we just get in the car and try to accommodate ourselves in the car.we start moving and try to get to Kajang and follow the map that Ms. Shafazila have gave us but still we get lost until 9.30 pm. after we have arrived at Miss's house and start to eat. at 10.30 pm, we start back to campus. as, Miss have gave us again a map to go back to the campus, we still got lost. we have entered a many wrong path and make our journey became more longer and longer. it's really tiring and we arrived at our house in about 12am. i am seriously tired and feel like cannot do anything..but, still i have to finished up my blog for BEL120 so that my lecturer, mdm. Azi don't get angry.hehe...well, thats all i can write here...

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