Sunday 9 September 2012 epic love story...

My favorite movie is Titanic, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. After all, Titanic is tied for most Oscar nominations (14) and most Oscar wins (11). And let’s not forget that even now, 12 years later, it is still the highest-grossing film of all time. I consider these bits of information to be pretty good proof that Titanic is not the cheesy film that many claim it is. However, I’ve found that for many a Titanic-hater these facts are not enough.
So let me explain the true magic of Titanic. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it in theatres when I was 8 years old. I ended up seeing it in theatres a total of 3 times, and I bought it on VHS as soon as it was released. When I was in high school and my parents got rid of our last TV with a VHS player, I bought in on DVD. I watch all 3 hours of the movie every few months, and every time is just as amazing as when I first saw it on the big screen at 8.
Of course every time I watch it I realize the ship is going to sink and Jack is going to die in the end. But even knowing this information I always spend the second half of the movie hoping that everything will be different this time, and then when it isn’t, I feel as crushed as I did the first time I saw the ending. Then I usually spend the last 30 minutes of the movie and a good 15 once it’s over sobbing.
Now, for me, that’s what a good movie has to do. It has to make you feel things just as strongly every time you watch it. Now I don’t know if Titanic does that for everyone (and apparently it doesn’t since so many people make fun of my undying love for it), but it does it for me. So yeah, Titanic is my favorite movie. It has been for 12 years, and it probably will be until I’m as old as Rose when she threw the Hope Diamond into the Atlantic.

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