Sunday 9 September 2012

dance competition

ok, i can't believe that i will joined a dance competition but that's the thing that i am doing now. as all KTT's students know that at 15 September 2012, all semester 2's students have to held an event which is this year they wanted to make a dance competition and every courses have to attend and joined the competition. however, our course did not have enough members like the competition's terms want. so, we decided to combine with mass comm's students becouse they also does not have enough members. at first, we want to make a separate practice as we do our own dance and they do their own dance but we cannot do that because we does not have enough time to practice and we have to change our songs and everything. i don't mind as long as we can do it and hopefully our team will win and proved to everyone that we can do anything. the reasons is not only because i want to prove myself or what, but it's because i really love to dance. i always do dance practice when i'm at home. i like all types of dances except pole dance as it is inappropriate dance. but i like to practice KPOP dances and traditional dances like 'mak yong'. i also like hip hop dances. i always hope that one day i can go to dance class and learn many types of dances...

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